Platinum Package Details


Coupon Codes (x8)

You have up to 8 coupon codes for the year. We recommend starting with 3-4 if you already have promotion of them in mind.

The "Duration" refers to the days people are filling out the form during which the coupon could be used. For example, if the duration was August 5th - September 15th, someone could use the coupon if they were filling out the form on September 1st, but not September 16th.
To add more coupon codes, click the (+) to the right of the first row.
Coupon Code
$ or % Off
Duration (start/end date or continuous)

Blockout Dates

The best time to use blockout dates is for important events in your life that you do not want to miss (eg. family member's birthdays and/or holidays you don't want to be working). We do not recommend using them to keep people from over-booking you as the pop-up can accomplish that purpose.


Holidays are for those holidays that you are still willing to work, but want to be compensated for. Our standard holiday fee is an additional $25, but you decide your own fees.

In the text box below please put the following information: How much your holiday fee is, what holidays you are working, and whether or not people can use coupons for signs requested on these days (eg. $25, Easter, Thanksgiving, and New Years, and no, coupons cannot be used on these days).

Specify dates or use holiday names (eg. Apr, 4th 2021 or Easter)

Rush Fee

Please answer the following questions in the text box below:
1) How much is your Rush Fee? (eg. $20)
2) What is your Rush Fee timeframe? (eg. order placed within 24 hours or 48 hours)
3) Can people use coupons for signs requested within the Rush Fee timeframe? (eg. Would someone be able to use a 10% coupon on their order that was placed within 24 hours of the sign needing to be set up?)

Example response: $20, 48 hours, and no, coupons can't be used on rush orders.

Conditional Pricing

This is the perfect way to incentivize your customers to order in advance (discount days) or make up for missing out on certain activities over the holidays by charging more. Just let us know what days and new prices you want to establish.

i.e. If your normal price is $75, perhaps you would set conditional pricing for February 13th at $65 and February 14th at $85.

Terms & Conditions

Do you ever have people requesting refunds or asking odd questions about your policies? Eliminate the hassle by adding some carefully written language to your order page. By submitting the order, they agree to the terms outlined above. See Example (Select "Submit Order & Pay Now" to see)
If you would like extra formatting, such as bold or bulleted lists, please submit a Word Doc via the upload files option below.
Max. file size: 24 MB.

Order Confirmation Messages

When someone submits an order, they receive an email that says, "Thank you for your order. Someone will be in contact with you within 48hrs to discuss details and arrange payment." OR "Thank you for your order. Someone will be in contact with you within 48hrs to discuss details."

If you want to change this text out, please provide it below.